Tuesday 26 July 2016

Lipti Kolambi

लिपती कोलंबी - Prawns Curry in Thick Gravy

Recipe in Marathi

२ वाटे मध्यम आकाराची कोलंबी
२ मध्यम  आकाराचे कादे
२ मध्यम  आकाराचे टोमॅटो 
१/२ चहाचा चमचाभर प्रत्येकी आल,लसूण, हिरवी मिरची, कोथिंबीर याचे वाटण
२ चमचे लाल तिखट 
१/२ चमचा हळद 
१/२ चमचा धणे पावडर
२ चहाचे चमचे गरम मसाला 
१ टेबल स्पून चिंचेचा कोळ
४-५ लसुणाच्या पाकळ्या  - बारीक चिरून
चवीनुसार मीठ  
१ मोठा डाव तेल
कोथीबर बारीक चिरून

प्रथम कोलंबी स्वच्छ धुवून घ्या। हळद, तिखट मीठ. चिच धणे पावडर, आल, लसूण , हिरवी मिरची, कोथिंबीर, गरम मसाला घालून कोलंबीला लावावे। कांदा बारीक चिरून घ्या. टोमॅटो बारीक चिरून घ्या. कढईत तेल गरम झाले की बारीक चिरलेला लसूण फोडणीत टाकून लाल झाला की कोलंबी टाका. छान परतली कि मग कादा व टोमॅटो घालून चांगले परतून घ्या कोलबीला पाणी सुटते ते चांगले आटून लिपतीशी करावी वाफे भरल्या गरम गरम भाता बरोबर खायला मस्त अशी ही लिपतीशी कोलंबी

Recipe in English


2 Sets of Medium sized Prawns(Set measure is as typically sold in Indian Fish markets - 1 set would have about 10-15 prawns)
2 Medium sized Onions
2 Medium sized Tomatoes
1/2 Teaspoon Masala paste(Ginger, Garlic, Green Chillies, Coriander)
2 Teaspoons Red Chilly Powder
1/2 Teaspoon Turmeric powder
1/2 Teaspoon Coriander Seeds Powder(Dhaniya)
2 Teaspoons Garam Masala
1 Table Spoon Tamarind Pulp
4-5 Garlic petals - finely diced
Salt as per taste
1 Curry Spoon Oil
Coriander - Finely cut

Wash the prawns and thoroughly clean them. Add Turmeric powder, Red chilly powder, Tamarind pulp, Coriander Seeds Powder, Salt, Masala Paste to the Prawns and mix it well. Cut the Onions and Tomatoes into fine pieces. Add the Oil to a Kadhai and heat it. Add the finely cut garlic and stir it till it is brown. Add the prawns mixture. Stir it well and then add the Onions and Tomatoes. Keep cooking till is forms a thick gravy. Enjoy with Bread, Chapati or Rice.


Tuesday 19 July 2016

Chimbori Kalvan

चिम्बोरीचे कालवण  -  CRABS CURRY
With Recipes in Marathi and English

RECIPE IN MARATHI: (Click image to Enlarge)

It is said that Crabs caught on a new moon night are filled with eggs and these are tastier! Superstitions aside, there is a generally higher demand for female crabs due to the likelihood of getting "Egg-filled" ones.

When you buy crabs from the market, it is suggested to break the claws and legs and separate them.

Clean all the parts of the Crabs(Body,Claws and legs) properly using a brush, since there is a likelihood of the presence of mud. Once cleaned, remove the upper shell of the body of the Crab. One can also keep the shell as it is and make 2 pieces of the body.(Refer the images).

Take the legs of the Crab and grind them in a Mixer/Food Processor. Filter the resulting Juice using a Cloth to avoid the hard body pieces.

6 Crabs
1 Large Onion Finely cut
1 Medium sized Onion finely cut
Paste made out of 1 teaspoon EACH of Ginger, Garlic, Green Chillies, Coriander(Total 4 teaspoonful)
1/2 Dry Coconut(Diced)
3 teaspoons Red Chilly Powder
3 teaspoons Garam Masala
1/2 teaspoon Turmeric Powder
2-3 pieces of Kokum
2 Curry Spoonful Oil
Crab Leg juice(mentioned above in the description)
Salt as per Taste

Take a kadai and add some oil to it for preparing the onion-coconut paste. Add the medium size coconut finely cut and diced dry Coconut to it. Keep stirring it till it becomes brownish red. Grind it in a Mixer in a fine paste.

Apply Ginger, Garlic, Coriander, Chilly Powder, Garam Masala, Turmeric Powder and Salt to the Crabs(Body and Claws) and let it marinate for 15 minutes.

Heat Oil in a flattish Kadhai and add the Large finely diced Onion to it and stir it till is pinkish. Add the Crabs to it and stir it. Cover the Kadhai for 5 minutes. Stir again. Add some water and let it cook. Once it boils and gives out a good steam, add the Crab leg juice to it. 

Let it boil further and add the Coconut-Onion Masala paste followed by some water. After 5 minutes, add the Kokum and garnish it with Coriander.

Enjoy the hot and spicy Crab Curry with roti's or rice. Crabs are generally not eaten in summers and not recommended for consumption among pregnant ladies, since they are inherently warm in nature. Please do take care that none of the pieces of the Crab shells are eaten, since they could cause stomach upsets.


Thursday 14 July 2016

KOLAMBICHI KHICHADI - कोलंबीची खिचड़ी

कोलंबीची खिचड़ी - सी.के.पी. पद्धतीची


१ वाटी कोलंबी
४ वाट्या तांदूळ
१ चमचा हिरवे वाटण (आलं - लसूण - मिरची )
१ चमचा  हळद 
१ पाकळी  लसूण 
२ चमचे गरम मसाला
२ चमचे लाल तिखट
२ मोठे कांदे चिरलेले
१ वाटी तळलेला कांदा-खोबरा वाटण
1/२ वाटी नारळाचे दूध
चविनुसार मीठ
२ डाव तेल

प्रथम कोलंबी स्वच्छ धुवा। त्यावर हळद, तिखट,मीठ, गरम मसाला, हिरवे वाटण चोळून ठेवा।
भांड्यात तेल गरम करा।  गरम झाल्यावर एक पाकळी लसुणाची फोडनिला घाला। नंतर त्यावर मसाला लावलेली कोलंबी टाकून चांगली परतून घ्या व त्यावर चिरलेला कांदा टाका। धुतलेले तांदूळ टाकून चांगले परतून घ्या। कांदा , खोबरे वाटण टाका। नंतर नारळाचे दूध टाका।  परतून घेऊन त्यात गरम पाणी घाला। खिचड़ी शिजल्यावर सरसरीत वाफ येऊन गरमगरम खिचड़ी नारळाचे दूध घालून खा।


1 bowl Prawns
4 bowls Rice
1 Teaspoon Green Paste(Ginger-Garlic-Green Chillies)
2 Teaspoons Garam Masala
2 Teaspoons Red Chilly powder
1 Teaspoon Haldi powder(Turmeric powder)
2 Large Diced Onions
1 leaf of Lasoon(Garlic)
1 Bowl - deep fried Onion-Coconut paste
Half Bowl Coconut Milk
2 Curry Spoonful Oil
Salt as per taste

Clean the prawns properly and add Haldi, Red Chilly powder, Salt, Garam Masala, Green masala paste. Mix well. Heat oil in a vessel. Once it is hot, add the garlic leaf to it for tadka. Afterwards, add the prawns to the oil and keep mixing it. Add the diced Onions to it. Add the washed Rice to it and keep mixing well. Add the Onion-Coconut paste continuing to mix. After this, add the Coconut Milk. Once it is mixed well, add hot water for the rice to cook. Once the Khichadi is cooked, serve with Coconut Milk for the best taste!


Wednesday 13 July 2016

Cooking Classes

Group Cooking Classes by Mrs.Sushama Deshpande all over Mumbai and Suburbs


1) Salads: Waldorf, Stuffed Grains, Pasta, Green Grains Stuffed, Russian, Salsa Mix, Corn. 

Fees: Rs.800/person. Group Size - 7 to 10

2) Parathas: Methi, Dudhi, Cabbage, Veg Kheema, Aloo, Paneer, Ground Nuts Sweet, 
Mawa Coconut, Cheese, Mutter, Khatta Mitha. 

Fees: Rs.800/person. Group Size - 8 to 10

3) Desserts: Chocolate Mousse, Caramel Pudding, Trifle Pudding, Apple Pie, Baklava,Banana Smoothie, Fruit Cream. 

Fees: Rs.1000/person. Group Size - 8 to 10

4) Non Vegetarian Starters: Fish Fingers, Lemon Chicken, Shami Kabab, Chicken Koliwada, Fish Cutlets, Chicken Malai Tikka, Ravioli, Meat balls, Chicken Sticks, Chicken Momo's, Chicken Stuffed Rolls. 

Fees: Rs.2500/person. Group Size - 10+

5) Vegetarian Starters: Mini Samosas, Corn Cheese  Balls, Momo's, Paneer  Green  Tikka, Crispy Vegetables, Hara Bhara Kababs, Spring Rolls, Corn Cutlets, Mutter Kababs, Veg Lollipops. 

Fees: Rs.1500/person. Group Size - 10+

6) Vegetarian Party menu: Pineapple Punch, Waldorf Salad, Mix Vegetable, Corn Palak, Patti Samosa, Veg. Lollipops, Veg. Biryani, Mung Dal Halwa 

Fees: Rs.1000/Person. Group Size - 8 to 10 persons

a) Classes can be conducted in minimum specified group size across Mumbai and suburbs.
b) 1 Person from the Hostess/Host would be charged 50% of the fees.
c) Cooking Gas, Basic appliances like Mixer, Refrigerator, utensils would be provided by the Host.
d) All required ingredients would be provided by us.
e) Quantity prepared would be more than sufficient for every member to taste.
f) The above 6 Menu options are the most popular. Menu can be customized based on requirement to include traditional recipes, etc.

For further details, please call Mrs.Sushama Deshpande on 9702290260

Monday 11 July 2016

Fodicha Moramba - फोडीचा मोरंबा

Fodicha Moramba (फोडीचा  मोरंबा)

Moramba is sort of a jam made of raw mangoes which are sweetened with sugar.


१ किलो तोतापुरी आंबे (कच्चे)  
१ किलो साखर
१ चहाचा चमचा वेलची पावडर
हवा असल्यास केशर

आंबे स्वच्छ धुवून पुसून घ्यावेत. आंब्याची साले काढून आपल्याला हवेत तश्या फोडी करून घ्यावेत. मोठ्या भांड्यात फोडी व साखर  एकत्र करून ५ मिनिट ठेवावेत .साखरेला थोडे पाणी सुटले कि ढळायला त्रास होत नाही.गॅसवर भांडे ठेवून सतत साखर विरघळून जाईल तोपर्यंत हलवत रहावे.साखर विरघळून गेल्यावर चांगल  उकळत ठेवावे।

उकळून उकळून पाक चांगला घट्ट होत आला  की गॅस घालवावा. थंड झाल्यावर घट्ट पणा बघावा. वेलची पावडर आणि हवा असल्यास केशर घालावा। 

चांगला गार झाल्यावर स्वच्छ-कोरड्या बरणीत भरावा। ओला हात अथवा  ओला चमचा घातला जाणार नाही ह्याची काळजी घ्यावी. कारण ह्या गोष्टी वर्षभराच्या केलेल्या असतात


1 Kg Raw Mangoes(Totapuri)
1 Kg Sugar
1 Teaspoon Elaichi powder(Cardamom)
Kesar(Saffron) if required

Wash the mangoes clean and wipe them dry. Peel the Mangoes and cut them in pieces, sizing them as per requirement. Collect the mango pieces in a vessel and mix sugar with them, allowing it to rest for 5 minutes. Stirring the mixture becomes easy once the sugar starts liquefying. 

Heat the vessel now and keep stirring till all the sugar melts. Once melted let the mixture boil till the sugar syrup becomes thick. Add the Cardamom powder and Saffron. Once cooled check the thickness and consistency. 

Pour it into completely dry jars for storage as per requirement. Please do take care that no water comes in contact with the Moramba. This will ensure that it would last long.


Thursday 7 July 2016

Fish curry

RECIPE - सी.के.पी पद्धतीचे मच्छीचे कालवण - C.K.P Syle Fish Curry



1 no. - Fish of your choice - Pomfret(Butter Fish) OR Surmai(King Mackerel/SeerFish) OR Halwa(Black Pomfret) OR Saranga(Silver Pomfret with a black back)
1/2 teaspoon Haldi(Turmeric Powder)
1/2 bowl Chinch Kol(Tamarind Pulp)
2 Teaspoon Green Paste(Ginger, Garlic and Green Chilly)
3 teaspoons Red Chilly Powder
1 Curry Spoonful Oil
2 Garlic leaves
1/2 Bowl Coconut thinly diced OR 1 bowl Coconut Milk
Salt as per taste

Cut the Fish into the desired size pieces and wash them well. Apply all the Masala(Haldi, Chinch(leave some for later), Green paste and Chilly powder) to the Fish and let it marinate for 30 minutes.

Generally flatter kadhai's are used for preparing curries. Take once such kadhai and heat Oil in it. Once heated, add the Garlic leaves till they turn reddish. Reduce the flame to low and add the marinated Fish pieces. Mix it well and add the leftover Chich kol(Tamarind pulp). Add 1/2 bowl water to the kadhai.(You must have used a vessel to marinate the fish earlier. You can also add water to this vessel and use this masala water). 

Stir it for 5 minutes on a low flame. Add the Coconut water OR 1/2 bowl thinly diced Coconut, as desired. Add more water if required based on your preference for desired Curry thickness. Switch off the flame once the Curry boils. 

Tastes Best with Hot Steamed Rice!


Kobichya Wadya

RECIPE - कोबीच्या वड्या 


250 gms Cabbage
1 teaspoon Haldi powder(Turmeric powder)
4-5 finely cut Green Chillies OR 2 teaspoons Red Chilly powder
Finely cut Kothimbir (Koriander leaves)
1 Tablespoon Khaskhas (Poppy seeds)
1/2 teaspoon Jeera-Dhana powder(Cumin-Coriander seeds powder)
Besan as per requirement(refer preparation)
1 Tablespoon Oil
Salt as per taste

Take the cabbage and cut it into fine pieces. Add Haldi, Green Chillies(or Chilly powder), Salt, Khaskhas, Kothimbir and Oil. Mix it well. Add Jeera-Dhana powder and make a uniform mix. Add Besan to the mixture in a quantity which fits into it such that after mixing it well, you can make a thick ball(Similar to chapati atta). 

Make smaller balls and roll them into rolls of approximate 2 inch diameter. Take a Sieve and keep a wet handkerchief in it. Keep the rolls on the handkerchief and heat them in a Pressure cooker for about 4 to 5 whistles. Once cooled, cut the rolls into small pieces and fry on a low flame. 

One can also prepare this recipe using Coriander leaves instead of Cabbage. One should add little Garam Masala or Laung-Dalchini(Clove-Cinnamon) powder when using Coriander leaves.


Walachi Khichadi

RECIPE - कडव्या वालाची खिचडी (सोजी) - Bitter Field Beans Khichadi

Recipe in Marathi:

Recipe in English:
1 bowl Vaal(The Vaal are to be soaked and sprouted, post which the skin is to be removed)
1 Onion medium cut
2 bowls Rice
1 teaspoon Green paste(Ginger, Garlic and Green Chilly)
1 teaspoon Red Chilly powder
1 teaspoon Garam masala
1/4 bowl Cocunut Milk(can be prepared without this ingredient also)
1/4 teaspoon Haldi powder(Turmeric powder)
2 Curry spoonful Oil
Hing and Jeera for tadka
Salt as per taste

Add Oil to a kadhai and heat it. Add Hing, Jeera for tadka. Add the medium cut Onion. Add Vaal, Haldi powder, Chilly powder, Green paste and Garam masala. Let it cook for 5 mins in the steam. Add rice. Keep mixing it will for 5 minutes after which you can optionally add the Cocunut milk for a richer taste. Add some hot water for the rice to cook. Add salt and mix well. Let it cook on low flame.

Serve hot with ghee or cocunut milk.

Shevlachi Bhaji

RECIPE - SHEVLACHI BHAJI ( शेवळाची भाजी ) (Dragon Stalk Yam)


Wednesday 6 July 2016

About My Mother

सुषमा देशपांडे 

My mother, Sushama Vilas Deshpande, the youngest of 4 children was born in 1951 to Ramchandra Gupte and Snehalata Gupte in Bhusalavar in Maharashtra. She spent her maiden years in Khamgaon near Akola in Maharashtra.

She was always an energetic and highly talented individual and excelled both in academics and extra curricular activities winning elocution competitions and debates when in school. My grandmother started training her in cooking at the tender age of 6. By the time she was 12-13 years of age, she had already mastered traditional CKP recipes and had already started experimenting with other recipes.

After marriage, she studied to be a beautician and ran her own ladies beauty parlour for more than 20 years. She also would conduct private classes in Cooking, Beauty treatments, Jams, Squashes, Cakes, Mehendi designs, Arts and Crafts, Painting, Embroidery, Sauces, etc.

She has also actively worked in the catering business undertaking party orders. She would daily supply more than 30 lunch tiffins and also supplied daily lunch and snacks for the cast and crew of Marathi teleseries "Abhalmaya".

She continues to cook wonderful dishes for us and still conducts cooking classes for groups.

Her first book on traditional CKP cuisine is highly successful within the CKP community and she is planning to work on the second edition of the book.

Thank you.

असे आम्ही कायस्थ - Traditional CKP Recipe Book

असे आम्ही कायस्थ

Dear Friends,

I am very Happy to announce that we have published a Recipe Book in Marathi - "असे आम्ही कायस्थ" - "Ase Aamhi Kayastha" written by my mother Sushama Deshpande on 29th May 2016.

The book features traditional recipes of the CKP(Chandraseniya Kayastha Prabhu- चांद्रसेनिय कायस्थ प्रभु) sub-caste in Maharashtrians. The book features 142 Veg and Non-Veg CKP recipes across 9 different categories. It also has a chapter on CKP Riti for specific festivals. We have received an overwhelming response to the book so far and have sold 500 copies in 28 days.

Please go through the recipe list and sample pages on this page below. 

The book is priced at Rs.150/- inclusive Shipping within India. The book can also be shipped Worldwide for which shipping will be charged. You can contact me on Call/Message/Whatsapp me on 9920095150 or send an email on yogesh2203@gmail.com for further details.

You can also visit our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/aseamhikayastha for further details.

Book Launch at the hands of my Grandmother -Snehalata Gupte. From L-R - The author Mrs. Sushama Deshpande, Mrs.Snehalata Gupte, Mr.Vilas Deshpande(my father), Mr.Arvind Joshi(Publisher), Mrs.Neela Deshmukh(Anchor, Friend, Relative)

Book Cover



Sample Pages: