Friday 5 August 2016


आरत्या - जीवतीच्या नैवेद्याच्या
AARTYAA - Crispy Sweet Puri's - Snack

These sweet puri's are typically prepared on Friday's during the Hindu calendar month "Shravan". Maharashtrians perform puja for the Goddess "Jivti" on Fridays. This puja is mainly performed by mothers for the well being of their children. "Aartyaa" are offered as prasad during this puja. These puris are a tasty snack which are loved by children and adults alike. They are well preserved without refrigeration for 3 to 4 days.

महाराष्ट्रीयन लोक "जीवती" देवी ची पूजा श्रावणी शुक्रवारी करतात।  ही पूजा आई आपल्या मुलांच्या सूख-समृद्धी साठी करते।  आरत्या ह्या पूजेचा नैवैद्य म्हणून केल्या जातात।  त्या सहज ३-४ दिवस बाहेर चांगल्या राहतात आणि लहान-मोठे सर्व ह्या आवडीने खातात। 

RECIPE IN MARATHI (Click the image to enlarge)

1 Banana
1/2 bowl jaggery
1 tea spoon desi ghee(home made butter)
Salt as per taste
Oil for frying
Wheat flour - quantity as per requirement defined in the preparation

Crush the banana and add the jaggery, ghee and salt to it. Mix it well. Add some wheat flour to it. Keep dicing it till the dough becomes hard enough - similar to the dough consistency for normal puri's. Do not add water. Roll it into a small ball - the size of a table tennis ball. 

Flatten the ball on a platform similar to chapati preparation, till it is about 2-3 mm thick. Take a small steel bowl and cut the flattened dough into small round shapes using the open side of the bowl. Fry them in Oil or Ghee on a medium flame till they turn brown. 


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